Ryanodine receptor-mediated Ca2+ release and atlastin-2 GTPase activity contribute to IP3-induced dendritic Ca2+ signals in primary hippocampal neurons

Ramírez, O. A., Córdova, A., Cerda, M., Lobos, P., Härtel, S., Couve, A., & Hidalgo, C. (2021). Ryanodine receptor-mediated Ca2+ release and atlastin-2 GTPase activity contribute to IP3-induced dendritic Ca2+ signals in primary hippocampal neurons. Cell Calcium, 96, 102399.

RyR-mediated Ca2+ Release Induced by Neuronal Stimulation Participates in Nuclear Ca2+ Signal Generation, CREB Phosphorylation and Npas4 Expression.

Lobos, P., Córdova, A., Vega-Vásquez, I., Ramírez, O. A., Adasme, T., Toledo, J., … & Hidalgo, C. (2021). RyR-mediated Ca2+ release elicited by neuronal activity induces nuclear Ca2+ signals, CREB phosphorylation, and Npas4/RyR2 expression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(33).

dSTORM microscopy evidences in HeLa cells clustered and scattered γH2AX nanofoci sensitive to ATM, DNA-PK, and ATR kinase inhibitors.

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