Seminario: SCIAN-Lab

Lunes 2/5/2016, 16.00h. Charles Parisot (Integrating he Healthcare Enterprise IHE-Europe, en colaboración con INRIA, Francia) presentará el seminario Organizing a national interoperability program � Best practices from around the world and the contribution of IHE….

Seminario: SCIAN-Lab

Lunes 16/11/2015, 15.00h. Steffen B. Petersen (Medical Photonics, Departments of Health Science and Technology and Clinical Science Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark) presentará el seminario Exploiting the self-organization in 2D structures. Ver resumen

Seminario: SCIAN-Lab

martes 10/11/2015, 15.00h. Eduardo Silva Pávez (Estudiante de Doctorado en Farmacología, Laboratorio de Transformación Celular, ICBM, F-Med, Universidad de Chile) presentará el seminario La proteína kinasa CK2 y la señalización Akt/mTORC1 en cáncer de colon.

Seminario: SCIAN-Lab

jueves 24/09/2015, 09.00h. Dra. Florencia Tevy (Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics, Universidad Mayor) presentara el seminario A screen for autonomous and non autonomous glial contributions to physiological aging and neurodegeneration.